Essential vitamins & minerals help in boosting overall immunity
This drools dog food is the very good combination of high-quality ingredients help to boost dog health and it can be used as daily diet to your lovable pet. It also promotes healthy teeth and gums, which your dogs would love to eat. Drools Dog Treat consists of 100% Real meat for making the treat delicious to savor. It contains essential vitamins and minerals to maintain strong bones and teeth and to boost overall immunity. The treat is also rich in protein for building lean muscle mass and to enhance skin and hair growth. Corn is rich in fiber for promoting good digestion and to normalize bowel movement. This treat can also be given as snacks to canines. Drools food products are nutritionally balanced and undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure that the best quality of food reaches your pet’s bowl.
- This Dog food contains high-quality ingredients that help you provide a complete diet to your beloved pets.
- Essential vitamins & minerals help in boosting overall immunity.
- Corn has natural fibers for reducing cholesterol level & to promote healthy metabolism.
- Excellent for training purposes.
- Suitable for all dog breeds.

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