Delightfully crunchy every day snack for your pet, They are carefully prepared to provide a pure, tasty and highly digestible snack treat .
Being made with pure flavour and nutrition, this food will make your pets’ tummies full and hearts happy! Chip Chops is a great way to keep your pooch motivated and encouraged to learn. While training your dog, it is a must to keep rewarding the dog to reinforce good behaviour. It is one such snack, as it is made of fresh meat. This dog treat provides a pure, tasty and highly digestible treat. This treat is filled with nutritional goodness and is suitable for feeding as a snack, rewards for good behaviour and to show your pet love with some indulgent pampering.
- Chip Chops Dog Treats: This Treats is an excellent source of protein and are low on fat, making them the absolute dental treat your dog must have.
- Delightfully crunchy every day snack for your pet, They are carefully prepared to provide a pure, tasty and highly digestible snack treat .
- Chicken acts as a main energy source without boosting big calorie count, These dog treats have goodness with nutritional benefits for your pet’s well being
- These treats can be offered straight from pouch to pooch. While the leftover crumbs can be sprinkled over regular meals as healthy seasoning. They are carefully prepared to provide a pure, tasty and highly digestible snack treat
- It’s absolutely natural and a rather precious treat and also recommended for all dog breeds. It’s a re-sealable bag

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